Frequently Asked Questions but not boring ones!

Can I cancel Miza Health subscription at any time?

At Miza Health we want you to be in control of your decisions and preferences. You may cancel your subscription anytime before the monthly renewal.

Is there a minimum month commitment for the Miza Health Program?

There is no minimum month commitment to participate in the Miza Health Program. The program is geared based on your preferences and lifestyle. You are able to cancel your membership anytime prior to the monthly renewal.

What is your ACE Provider number?

The ACE Provider number for Miza Health is IP-23-10132.

How can I obtain a copy of the slides reviewed during the course?

At the top header of the course content, there are two tabs: lesson and materials. On the lesson tab you can view the course video and under the materials tab is where you will find the course slides and any additional documents shared by the presenter.

How long will I have access to the courses after purchase?

Once the course is purchased, you can access the content anytime you like. Course content or access does not expire after purchase.

What happens during the first week of the Miza Health program?

The first week of the Miza Health program is called the transitional week. We will provide you with a transitional menu to help you ease into our structure of meal planning and healthy food selection.

How long does it take to lose weight while on this program?

Weight loss rate and results vary based on an individual. Healthy weight loss will allow you to lose 1-2lbs per week.

Do I have to exercise to lose weight while on this program?

It is not mandatory to exercise while on this program. However, taking into consideration the healthy lifestyle we are trying to pursue, it is important to have some physical activity and to reach a goal of walking at least 10,000 steps a day.

Can I use this program if I am pregnant or breast-feeding?

We believe that individuals who are pregnant and breastfeeding during the first 6 months should not have a calorie deficit. It is imperative to eat nutrient dense and whole meals.

Can I dine out while on this program?

While we prefer for you to not dine out, we understand that life happens. We would like for you to limit these outings to no more than twice a month and it will be ideal if the food selection during dining out is as close to the program menu as possible.

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